Royal College

Within defied mission & vision, Royal Welfare Organization has a very holistic and integrated approach that seeks to bridge learning, development and communication to address pressing issues faced by the youngsters in every walk of life, currently following thematic areas are the fundamental part of RWO’s work:


Short Term Skill Development Program

(Technical Education of Computer and Mobile Repairing)

Name of College: Royal College of Computer & Mobile Repairing (RCCMR)
Address: Main Bazar, Road Kot, Kasur


RCCMR is located in the center of the district Kasur as given below in the map,

Royal College Map

Introduction of RCCMR

Royal College of Computer and Mobile Repairing (RCCMR) is a mega project by Royal Welfare Organization ® Kasur. Since last two years, this college is working in the field of technical education like computer and mobile repairing technical education. One of the main objectives of the RWO is to reduce unemployment and fill gap of trained workforce in Distt. Kasur. RCCMR is the project of RWO to fulfill this main objective through technical education and career-counseling.

By the grace of God and hardworking and true commitment of organization’s and project’s concerned professional staff, right now, we have trained 200 males and 25 female trained students in the market. All these students are fully able to inject themselves in the market and are earning handsome amount for their family. We call them small entrepreneurs. These are the students, who were disappointed and very upset from their future.

So for as the non-instructional and instructional staff of RCCMR is concerned, RWO has very qualified and professional staff regarding computer and mobile technical education.

The students of RCCMR are fully equipped with mobile and computer technicalities and complexities and gain much confidence to induce themselves in any market as an entrepreneur.

We are basically serving communities on self help basis and you are most welcome to investigate if you suspect about our sayings. Right now, we are not getting any kind of assistance from private or government sectors. Our trained students, working in markets are the reflection of our true and committed approach in reducing unemployment. 

Project Objectives 

Using a technology is far easier than to develop it. For developing a technology, it needed high skill teams which have a high and professional knowledge. It also needed a high amount of time and money. Keeping this thing in mind, we have set our objectives as given below,

  1. To reduce unemployment through technical education

  1. To make youngsters technically strong in the field of computer and mobile repairing

  1. To make them such confident professional as they can be entrepreneurs

Who will be the student of our institution?

Youngsters are unable to continue their formal education and worried from their future life. There is no Age restriction.

Description and Justification of Project

Here is some description of the project named, Short Term Skill Development Program (in technical education of computer and mobile repairing). The short term development skill development program constitutes 6 months as given below,

The short term courses like that is need of the day. The youngsters, who are useless for their family and society, can be trained technically and given confidence to lead their lives.

Project Analysis

As in the description of the project, the course detail is given and these course contents are to be covered in 6 months and the course contents and length of the short course can be consulted with NAVTEC if they are interested. In 6 months short term skill development program, RCCMR is intending to train 100 students in one batch. We are planning to train 200 trainees per annum in two batches of 6 months each.  

Employment Generation

With the will of God, till now, we have produced 200 trained students in last two years and almost half of them are working and getting employment directly and indirectly. They are all getting part time and full time advantage from their training. After Completion the Short Term Skill Development Program, they can also become small entrepreneurs and run their repairing shop very easily. 

Management Structure and Manpower Requirements 

As it is mentioned in the sample project proposal in collaboration with NAVTEC, the required instructional and non – instructional staff will be engaged/deputed for the proposed project in consultation with NAVTEC.