Thursday, June 9, 2011


Traditionally women are regarded as conservers, men as innovators .all such generalization are dangerous if they lead us to disregard the tremendous range of variation between women as between men, theextent to which different cultures provide different forms of expression for both sexes and the potentialities which lie dormant in any human being upon whom the society makes only partial demands.

There can be no doubt that the women of Pakistan are striving to play their part in raising the status of themselves ,their families and their nation .our women have already won for themselves onenviable reputation at the highest level of our national life as well as international circle. We are confident from the spirit which the women of Pakistan have shown in such achievement as those of the all Pakistan women association that they can assume a role of great importance in the consolidation and development of the country if their dynamism and dedication can be nurtured and their efforts guided into those channel where they can be of the greatest service.

This duty of choosing what to keep ,what to change and what to throw away in an extension into the civic field of women traditional function as house keepers. We cannot consider the social role of women without knowledge of the society in which she lives, nor begin to educate her for citizenship until we know in what sort of state she is to function as a citizen.


This study was intended to be survey of the attitude of selected parents towards the higher education of their daughters.


One of the outstanding problems, Pakistan is facing in the process of socio-economic development in the high rate of illiteracy of her people .at present it is estimated to be above 80%. This problem is causing various other problems also, the masses of Pakistan backward in social and civic consciousness and they generally lack motivation to improve their lot. They are shocked with age old functionality useless customs and tradition which many times result in wastage of human efforts and material resources.The educational backwardness of Pakistani people is most conspicuous in respect of womens education. It is generally recognized that to teach a boy is to teach one person but to teach a girl is to teach a family. But in Pakistan, womens education in particularly neglected in the nations educational efforts. The educational backwardness of Pakistani women has multiple caustion.peoples attitude and value system sometimes come in the way of sending their girls to the university. Many survey studies are needed to investigate the causes of womens educational backwardness. One important aspect of this investigation is related the parents attitude toward the higher education of their girl.


Fowling were the objectives of the study1. To survey the attitudes of selected khushabs parents towards the higher education of their daughters2. To find out any differences in the attitude of parents coming from different socio-economic classes.3. To augment further research and study in the area.


1. Only parents of AIWAN COLONY KHUSHABWERE SELECTED.THE RESEACH WORKER assumed that the parents of that colony would in a better position to form opinions about the higher education.2. The findings of this study were based on the stated opinion of sampled parents.3. The socio-economic status of the parents was determined by there each worker on the basis of their monthly per capita income worked out through the information secures in the questionnaire.


Ho: parents does not favor their daughter higher education due to economic reason.
H1: parents favor their daughter higher education due to economic reason

H0: co-education is the main problem in their daughter higher education.
H1: Co-education is not the main problem in their daughters higher education.


Questionnaire will be used for this study the method of percentage proportion will be used. According to my questionnaire it is quite easy and better to drive the result by means of percentage proportion.


The population of our study is AIWAN COLONOY OF KHUSHAB CITY.


For the convenience of research, sample consists of thirty parents have been picked from AIWAN COLONY KHUSHAB randomly.


Attitudes are formed in relation to situations or groups with which the individual comes into contact in the courses of his development .once formed they determine that the individual reacts in a characteristic way to these or related situation persons and groups .this characteristics feature which is inferred from behavior denotes a to functional state of readiness in relation to situation which elicit it (6:490)1. Attitude their formation and characteristics.Apart (4:45) define attitude asA mental and neural stage of readiness organized through experience exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual, responses to all object and situation with which it is related.Shrif and shrif discuss the basis of social attitude in the fowling words .the end product of the socialization process is embodied in the social attitude of the individual and in his words and deeds reflecting this attitude.


It may be well to stress the importance to our whole civilization of ensuring that women of all classes receive in the very best preparation for adult life that can be given them, no because of their inalienable rights as an indvidual,but because they are of the too sexes. The most influential for the feature well being of man kind .women create men and women, they do so physically, mentally and spritully, as mothers, wives and teachers. They are the true architectures of the future workmen civilization.


It is an economic fallacy to suppose that a married women is a gainful occupation necessarily displeasures a single women. Married women who are herself employed can in turn afford to employ a domestic servant to do the house hold work. Whichshe might otherwise have to do herself. it is biological mistake to force the more intelligent women to make clear cut choice between marriage on the one hand and independent career on the other hand like men she is capable of doing all kind of clerical ,administrative and professional work ,but unlike man she also produce children.(7:64)

On the importance of womens education the commission says

Unless a mother is highly educated there will never be an educate home or an educated community. atthe same time primary education is the first step in the educational programmed through which we must secure large number of women of teaching, medicine, nursing and wide variety of careers and professional, itis essential that the foundation of education for women be firmly consolidated and that the facilities provided available for girls, education be in every respect equal to whose available for boys. We recommend therefore, that in the future expansion of higher education on the facilities provided for girls should be equal both in quantity and quality to those provided for boys.

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